What's New On Ithaca Greece


August on Ithaca

Summer Season on Ithaca Greece

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August 2024

Thursday 21st - Something has been turning green into brown. Some say it's a virus, others say it's the cloud seeding or maybe it's another bug making it's way through Ithaca's foliage. Below - Dexa Beach.

Below - Early morning in Frikes.

Below - Early evening in Frikes.

Below - Happy hour in Kioni. The time when everyone comes out of their accommodations and makes their way to their favourite cafe before heading out to dinner at one of the Kioni restaurants.

Monday 26th - Big exodus this weekend as many mainlanders return home after their summer holidays, getting ready for another school year.

Tuesday 27th - You can definitely feel an energy when you visit some of Ithaca's ancient spots. Below - Pilikata, outside of Stavros.

Below - Homer's School

August 2024

High Season on Ithaca Greece

Thursday 21st

There's something about the morning light that brings out the romance in every view you sea.



Monday 26th - The clouds are beginning to creep in again now that we're heading into September, but don't be fooled, it's still hot and enough blue sky to remind us that Summer is not over.

Tuesday 27th - It's a shame that this dry wall has not been fixed. There must a a council body in charge? I don't know. Maybe one of Ithaca's fine stone masons could come and fix this old dry wall at the entrance steps of Homer's School? There probably won't be any pay, but they'd be ensuring keeping this ancient site in one piece.

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